ANA Participation in the 7th European Aniridia Conference

ANA desires to increase collaboration internationally and serve as a collective voice of North American stakeholders to the international aniridia community.  In pursuit of that vision, representatives from ANA were honored to be invited to and to participate in the 7th European Aniridia Conference, hosted by Aniridia Sweden, together with Linkoping University and Aniridia Europe. The conference was held in Stockholm, Sweden from May 31 to June 2, 2024.

ANA Board Members and Aniridia Europe Board Members together at the EAC.
ANA Board Members are honored to work together with the Aniridia Europe Board of Directors to continue improving outcomes for people with Aniridia around the world.
ANA Board Members who attended the EAC: Jim Lauderdale, Kelly Trout, Shari Krantz, Janelle Collins, Peter Netland.  They are standing outside Stockholm City Hall.
ANA Board Members in attendance at the EAC: Jim Lauderdale, Kelly Trout, Shari Krantz, Janelle Collins, and Peter Netland.

ANA Board members actively participated in this significant conference in several ways. They:

  • Collaborated with representatives from Aniridia Europe in discussions about shared goals and initiatives.
  • Strengthened existing partnerships and built new connections through networking.
  • Attended presentations by leading experts on the latest research in the field of aniridia.
  • Delivered formal presentations, which are shown below.
  • Led and participated in panel discussions
  • Recorded interviews highlighting important information learned and presented at the conference
Dr. Peter Netland spoke on the Surgical Management of Aniridic Glaucoma.
Dr. Jim Lauderdale spoke about Aniridia and the Brain. His presentation included the first preliminary results from the ANA Neuropsychology Survey.
Matteo Castelnuovo, Digital Team Leader at Aniridia Europe, interviews Dr. Peter A. Netland about the surgical treatments for glaucoma in aniridia.
Matteo Castelnuovo interviews James Lauderdale about his studies on the PAX6 gene and its connection with the normal development and maintenance of the human eye and brain.
Matteo Castelnuovo interviews Janelle Collins, Board Member at ANA, about her opinion on this edition of the European Aniridia Conference and the opportunities coming from the stronger and stronger collaboration between Aniridia Europe and Aniridia North America.

At the conclusion of the conference, Professor Neil Legali of Linkoping University prepared a summary of the presentations in a patient-friendly format. This patient-friendly summary is available via video, print in English, and print in Spanish.

The remainder of the presentations and interviews from the conference can be viewed on the Aniridia Europe YouTube channel.

Popular Summary for Patients – English
Popular Summary for Patients – Spanish

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Aniridia North America
106 W. Calendar Ave
Suite 122
LaGrange, IL 60525

Aniridia North America is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States.

EIN: 86-2917141

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